AULMA: API Usage Logging and Monitoring Application: Developed a scalable application for monitoring partner API usage and asynchronously logging all API calls and collecting the data to be displayed. This system utilized a tech stack that involved technologies I'd never used before including: Apache Kafka, Google Big Query, Spring Cloud Stream and Java Play framework for the Sponsored Search API.
IRP: Integrated Report Processor: A standalone report processor developed to assist with the processing of testbed reports generated by the Clipper missions testing platform. The program was developed using Python and the Pandas library and was designed to be used by instrument engineers to expedite review.
Project imported a 600,000+ line raw report file, and parsed it for data relevant to specifications to reduce the size of the file by 70% or more. This allowed engineers to more quickly review the reports as well as mitigated some of the detrimental effects of the large file size on the system.
Dodging Game: A simple game developed using Java and the JavaFX library. The game was developed as part of a local game jam workshop in 2020. It consisted of a player character that could move around the screen and needed to avoid randomly generated monsters that moved across the screen. The game was developed in 6 hours and was my first experience with Java and JavaFX.